All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractCompiler |
A base class and wrapper for Compiler that implements all redundant API methods.
AbstractCompilerFactory |
AbstractJavaSourceClassLoader |
A ClassLoader that, unlike usual ClassLoader s, does not load byte code, but reads Java source
code and then scans, parses, compiles and loads it into the virtual machine.
AbstractJavaSourceClassLoader.ProtectionDomainFactory |
AbstractTraverser<EX extends java.lang.Throwable> |
A basic implementation of Traverser ; each traverse*(s) method invokes the
traverse*() methods of all Java elements subordinate to x .
Access |
Annotatable |
An object in a Java class file which can have annotations (classes, methods and fields).
AntCompilerAdapter |
A simple CompilerAdapter for the "ant" tool that silently ignores
most of the configuration parameters and attempts to compile all given source files into class files.
ApiLog |
Simple logging of method invocations.
AutoIndentWriter |
A FilterWriter that indents lines by processing some control characters in the character stream.
Benchmark |
Implements a scheme for benchmarking, i.e. for determining and/or reporting the time elapsed between the beginning
and the end of an activity.
Benchmark.Reporter |
Interface used to report messages.
ByteArrayClassLoader |
This ClassLoader allows for the loading of a set of Java classes provided in class file format.
CachingJavaSourceClassLoader |
A JavaSourceClassLoader that uses a resource storage provided by the application to
cache compiled classes and thus saving unnecessary recompilations.
CharStream |
This interface produces a sequence of char s.
ClassBodyDemo |
ClassBodyEvaluator |
ClassBodyEvaluator |
Classes |
Utility methods related to Class .
ClassFile |
An object that implements the Java "class file" format.
ClassFile.Annotation |
The structure of the annotations array as described in JVMS8 4.7.16.
ClassFile.AnnotationDefaultAttribute |
Representation of an AnnotationDefault attribute (see JVMS8 4.7.22).
ClassFile.AnnotationsAttribute |
Representation of a Runtime[In]visibleAnnotations attribute (see JVMS8 4.7.16/17).
ClassFile.ArrayElementValue |
Representation of the "array_value" structure.
ClassFile.AttributeInfo |
Representation of a class file attribute (see JVMS7 4.7).
ClassFile.BooleanElementValue |
ClassFile.ByteElementValue |
ClassFile.CharElementValue |
ClassFile.ClassElementValue |
ClassFile.ClassFileException |
Unchecked exception that represents an error condition that could occur during processing of class files, e.g.
ClassFile.CodeAttribute |
Representation of an unmodifiable Code attribute, as read from a class file.
ClassFile.CodeAttribute.ExceptionTableEntry |
Representation of an entry in the "exception_table" of a "Code" attribute (see JVMS 4.7.3).
ClassFile.ConstantClassInfo |
See JVMS7 4.4.1.
ClassFile.ConstantElementValue |
Convenience class for element values that are constants (as opposed to annotations, enum constants and
ClassFile.ConstantElementValue.Visitor<R,EX extends java.lang.Throwable> |
The visitor interface for the implementation of the "visitor" pattern.
ClassFile.ConstantFieldrefInfo |
See JVMS7 4.4.2.
ClassFile.ConstantInterfaceMethodrefInfo |
See JVMS7 4.4.2.
ClassFile.ConstantInvokeDynamicInfo |
See JVMS7 4.4.10.
ClassFile.ConstantMethodHandleInfo |
See JVMS7 4.4.8.
ClassFile.ConstantMethodrefInfo |
See JVMS7 4.4.2.
ClassFile.ConstantMethodTypeInfo |
See JVMS7 4.4.9.
ClassFile.ConstantNameAndTypeInfo |
See JVMS7 4.4.6.
ClassFile.ConstantPoolInfo |
Base for various the constant pool table entry types.
ClassFile.ConstantUtf8Info |
See JVMS7 4.4.7.
ClassFile.ConstantValueAttribute |
Representation of a ConstantValue attribute (see JVMS 4.7.2).
ClassFile.ConstantValuePoolInfo |
Intermediate base class for constant pool table entry types that have 'value' semantics: Double, Float,
Integer, Long, String
ClassFile.DeprecatedAttribute |
Representation of a Deprecated attribute (see JVMS 4.7.10).
ClassFile.DoubleElementValue |
ClassFile.ElementValue |
Representation of the "element_value" structure (see JVMS8
ClassFile.ElementValue.Visitor<R,EX extends java.lang.Throwable> |
The visitor interface for the implementation of the "visitor" pattern.
ClassFile.EnumConstValue |
Representation of the "enum_const_value" element in the "element_value" structure.
ClassFile.ExceptionsAttribute |
Representation of an Exceptions attribute (see JVMS 4.7.4).
ClassFile.FloatElementValue |
ClassFile.InnerClassesAttribute |
Representation of an InnerClasses attribute (see JVMS 4.7.5).
ClassFile.InnerClassesAttribute.Entry |
The structure of the classes array as described in JVMS7 4.7.6.
ClassFile.IntElementValue |
ClassFile.LineNumberTableAttribute |
Representation of a LineNumberTable attribute (see JVMS 4.7.8).
ClassFile.LineNumberTableAttribute.Entry |
The structure of the entries in the line_number_table , as described in JVMS7 4.7.12.
ClassFile.LocalVariableTableAttribute |
Representation of a LocalVariableTable attribute (see JVMS 4.7.9).
ClassFile.LocalVariableTableAttribute.Entry |
The structure of the entries in the local_variable_table , as described in JVMS7 4.7.13.
ClassFile.LongElementValue |
ClassFile.ShortElementValue |
ClassFile.SignatureAttribute |
Representation of a Signature attribute (see JVMS 4.7.9).
ClassFile.SourceFileAttribute |
Representation of a SourceFile attribute (see JVMS 4.7.7).
ClassFile.StackMapTableAttribute |
Representation of an unmodifiable StackMapTable attribute, as read from a class file.
ClassFile.StackMapTableAttribute.AppendFrame |
Representation of the append_frame structure; see JVMS8 4.7.4.
ClassFile.StackMapTableAttribute.ChopFrame |
Representation of the chop_frame structure; see JVMS8 4.7.4.
ClassFile.StackMapTableAttribute.FullFrame |
Representation of the full_frame structure; see JVMS8 4.7.4.
ClassFile.StackMapTableAttribute.ObjectVariableInfo |
Representation of the object_variable_info structure; see JVMS8 4.7.4.
ClassFile.StackMapTableAttribute.SameFrame |
Representation of the same_frame structure; see JVMS8 4.7.4.
ClassFile.StackMapTableAttribute.SameFrameExtended |
Representation of the same_frame_extended structure; see JVMS8 4.7.4.
ClassFile.StackMapTableAttribute.SameLocals1StackItemFrame |
Representation of the same_locals_1_stack_item_frame structure; see JVMS8 4.7.4.
ClassFile.StackMapTableAttribute.SameLocals1StackItemFrameExtended |
Representation of the same_locals_1_stack_item_frame_extended structure; see JVMS8 4.7.4.
ClassFile.StackMapTableAttribute.StackMapFrame |
ClassFile.StackMapTableAttribute.StackMapFrameVisitor<T> |
ClassFile.StackMapTableAttribute.UninitializedVariableInfo |
Representation of the uninitialized_variable_info structure; see JVMS8 4.7.4.
ClassFile.StackMapTableAttribute.VerificationTypeInfo |
Representation of the verification_type_info union; see JVMS8 4.7.4.
ClassFile.StringElementValue |
ClassFile.SyntheticAttribute |
Representation of a Synthetic attribute (see JVMS 4.7.6).
ClassFileIClass |
ClassLoaderIClassLoader |
ClassLoaders |
Utility methods around the ClassLoader .
CodeContext |
The context of the compilation of a function (constructor or method).
CodeContext.FixUp |
CompileException |
Representation of an error condition during compilation.
Compiler | -based implementation of the ICompiler .
Compiler |
CompilerDemo |
A drop-in replacement for the JDK's JAVAC tool.
CompilerFactory |
CompilerFactory |
CompilerFactoryFactory |
Consumer<T> |
Facade for Java 8's java.util.reflect.Consumer interface.
Consumers |
Cookable |
DeclarationCounter |
An example application for the Traverser : Reads, scans and parses the files named
on the command line and counts several kinds of declarations.
DeepCopier |
Creates deep copies of AST elements.
DemoBase |
Common base class for the "...Demo" classes that demostrate Janino.
Descriptor |
Helper class that defines useful methods for handling "field descriptors"
(JVMS 4.3.2) and "method descriptors" (JVMS 4.3.3).
DirectoryIterator |
An Iterator<File> that finds regular files who's names are accepted by the fileNameFilter and
exist in the given rootDirectory, or
exist in any subdirectory of the rootDirectory that is accepted by the directoryNameFilter.
DirectoryIterator.DirectoryNotListableException |
Indicates that File.listFiles() returned null for a particular directory.
DirectoryResourceCreator |
Creates a resource in a given directory:
DirectoryResourceFinder |
Disassembler |
Generates human-readable Java assembler code from Java bytecode.
EnumerationIterator<T> |
An Iterator that iterates over the elements of an Enumeration .
ErrorHandler |
Processes an error issued by the compiler.
ExpressionDemo |
ExpressionEvaluator |
This IExpressionEvaluator is implemented by creating and compiling a temporary compilation unit defining one
class with one static method with one RETURN statement.
ExpressionEvaluator |
This IExpressionEvaluator is implemented by creating and compiling a temporary compilation unit defining one
class with one static method with one RETURN statement.
FileResource |
Representation of a resource that is a File .
FileResourceCreator |
Stores a stream of bytes in a named resource.
FileResourceFinder |
This class specializes the ResourceFinder for finding resources
in File s.
FilterListIterator<T> |
An ListIterator that retrieves its elements from a delegate ListIterator .
FilterWarningHandler |
Invokes a delegate iff the handle of the warning matches one or more of a set of StringPattern s.
HprofScrubber |
Example for object allocation statistics:
IClass |
A simplified equivalent to "java.lang.reflect".
IClass.IAnnotation |
Representation of a Java "annotation".
IClass.IMember |
Base for the members of an IClass .
IClassBodyEvaluator |
Parses a class body and returns it as a Class object ready for use with
IClassLoader |
ICompiler |
A simplified substitute for the javac tool.
ICompilerFactory |
ICookable |
An entity that processes a sequence of characters (a "document").
IExpressionEvaluator |
An engine that evaluates expressions in JVM bytecode.
IMultiCookable |
InputStreams |
InternalCompilerException |
Indicates an event that is probably related to a bug in JANINO.
IParameterizedType |
IScriptEvaluator |
An engine that executes a script in JVM bytecode.
ISimpleCompiler |
A simplified Java compiler that can compile only a single compilation unit.
Iterables |
Utility method around Iterable s and Iterator s.
IteratorCollection<T> |
A Collection that lazily reads its elements from an Iterator .
IType |
ITypeVariable |
Type bounds can either be a class or interface type, or a type variable.
ITypeVariableOrIClass |
IWildcardType |
JaninoOption |
JarDirectoriesResourceFinder |
Finds resources in any of the "*.jar" files that exist in a given set of directories.
Java |
This wrapper class defines classes that represent the elements of the Java programming language.
Java.AbstractAnnotation |
Convenience class.
Java.AbstractClassDeclaration |
Base for the various class declaration kinds.
Java.AbstractCompilationUnit |
Java.AbstractCompilationUnit.ImportDeclaration |
Base class for the various IMPORT declarations.
Java.AbstractCompilationUnit.SingleStaticImportDeclaration |
Represents a single static import declaration like
Java.AbstractCompilationUnit.SingleTypeImportDeclaration |
Represents a "single-type import declaration" like "import java.util.Map; ".
Java.AbstractCompilationUnit.StaticImportOnDemandDeclaration |
Represents a static-import-on-demand declaration like
Java.AbstractCompilationUnit.TypeImportOnDemandDeclaration |
Represents a type-import-on-demand declaration like import java.util.*; .
Java.AbstractTypeBodyDeclaration |
Java.AbstractTypeDeclaration |
Java.AccessModifier |
Representation of the modifier flags and annotations that are associated with a declaration.
Java.AlternateConstructorInvocation |
Representation of a JLS7
Java.AmbiguousName |
Representation of a JLS7 6.5.2 "ambiguous name".
Java.Annotatable |
Representation of Java elements that can be annotated: Fields, constructors, methods, type declarations.
Java.Annotation |
Representation of a Java annotation.
Java.AnnotationTypeDeclaration |
Base for package member ("top-level") and member ("nested") annotation type declarations.
Java.AnonymousClassDeclaration |
Representation of a JLS7 15.9.5 "anonymous class declaration".
Java.ArrayAccessExpression |
Representation of a JLS7 15.13 (JLS8: 15.10.3) "array access expression".
Java.ArrayCreationReference |
Representation of a "method reference expression", as described in JLS9 15.13, with the form "
<var>arrayType</var>::new ".
Java.ArrayInitializer |
Representation of a JLS7 10.6 "array initializer".
Java.ArrayInitializerOrRvalue |
Java.ArrayLength |
Representation of the JLS7 10.7 array type "length" pseudo-member.
Java.ArrayType |
Representation of a JLS7 10.1 "array type".
Java.AssertStatement |
Representation of the JLS7 14.10 ASSERT statement.
Java.Assignment |
Representation of all JLS7 15.26 assignments.
Java.Atom |
Java.BinaryOperation |
Representation of all non-operand-modifying binary operations.
Java.Block |
Representation of a Java "block" (JLS7 14.2).
Java.BlockLambdaBody |
Representation of a "lambda body" that is a block; see JLS9 15.27.2.
Java.BlockStatement |
Everything that can be compiled to code, e.g. the statements occurring in the body of a method or in a block,
explicit constructor invocations and instance/static initializers.
Java.BooleanLiteral |
Representation of a "boolean literal" (JLS7 3.10.3) (type boolean ).
Java.BooleanRvalue |
Base class for Java.Rvalue s that compile better as conditional branches.
Java.BreakableStatement |
Base class for statements that can be terminated abnormally with a break statement.
Java.BreakStatement |
Representation of the JLS7 14.15 BREAK statement.
Java.Cast |
Representation of a JLS7 15.16 "cast expression".
Java.CatchClause |
Representation of a JLS7 14.20.1 CATCH clause.
Java.CatchParameter |
Representation of a "catch" parameter.
Java.CharacterLiteral |
Representation of a "character literal" (JLS7 3.10.4) (type char ).
Java.ClassDeclaration |
Base for the various class declarations (top-level class, local class, anonymous class, nested class, top-level
enum, nested enum).
Java.ClassInstanceCreationReference |
Representation of a "method reference expression", as described in JLS9 15.13, with the form "
<var>classType</var>::new ".
Java.ClassLiteral |
Representation of a JLS7 15.8.2 "class literal".
Java.CompilationUnit |
Representation of an "ordinary compilation unit" as explained in JLS9 7.3 (before Java 9 known as "compilation
unit" and described in JLS8 7.3).
Java.ConditionalExpression |
Representation of a JLS7 15.25 "conditional operation".
Java.ConstructorDeclarator |
Representation of a constructor declarator.
Java.ConstructorInvocation |
Java.ContinuableStatement |
Base class for statements that support the "continue" statement.
Java.ContinueStatement |
Representation of the JLS7 14.16 CONTINUE statement.
Java.Crement |
Representation of a JLS7 15.14.2 "postfix increment operation", a JLS7 15.14.3 "postfix decrement operation", a
JLS7 15.15.1 "prefix increment operation" or a JLS7 15.15.2 "prefix decrement operation".
Java.DocCommentable |
Representation of a Java element that can be annotated with a DOC comment ("/**
Java.DoStatement |
Representation of a JLS7 14.13 DO statement.
Java.ElementValue |
Java.ElementValueArrayInitializer |
An element value in the form of an array initializer, e.g
Java.ElementValuePair |
Java.EmptyStatement |
Representation of the "empty statement", i.e. the blank semicolon.
Java.EnclosingScopeOfTypeDeclaration |
Java.EnumConstant |
Representation of an "enum constant", see JLS7 8.9.1.
Java.EnumDeclaration |
Base for package member (a.k.a.
Java.ExportsModuleDirective |
Representation of a (Java 9+) "exports directive", as explained in JLS9 7.7.2.
Java.ExpressionLambdaBody |
Representation of a "lambda body" that is an expression; see JLS9 15.27.2.
Java.ExpressionStatement |
Representation of the JLS7 14.8 "expression statement".
Java.FieldAccess |
Representation of an access to a field of a class or an interface.
Java.FieldAccessExpression |
Representation of a JLS7 15.11 "field access expression", including the "array length" pseudo field access.
Java.FieldDeclaration |
This class is derived from "Statement", because it provides for the initialization of the field.
Java.FieldDeclarationOrInitializer |
Java.FloatingPointLiteral |
Representation of a "floating-point literal" (JLS7 3.10.2) (types float and double ).
Java.ForEachStatement |
Representation of a JLS7 14.14.2 "enhanced FOR statement".
Java.FormalLambdaParameters |
Representation of "lamba parameters" that include a formal parameter list; see JLS9 15.27.1.
Java.ForStatement |
Representation of a JLS7 14.14.1 "basic FOR statement".
Java.FunctionDeclarator |
Java.FunctionDeclarator.FormalParameter |
Representation of a (formal) function parameter.
Java.FunctionDeclarator.FormalParameters |
Representation of the (formal) function parameters.
Java.IdentifierLambdaParameters |
Representation of "lamba parameters" that consist of a single identifier; see JLS9 15.27.1
Java.IfStatement |
Representation of a JLS7 14.9 IF statement.
Java.InferredLambdaParameters |
Representation of "lamba parameters" that include an inferred formal parameter list; see JLS9 15.27.1.
Java.Initializer |
Representation of an "instance initializer" (JLS7 8.6) or "static initializer" (JLS7 8.7).
Java.Instanceof |
Representation of a JLS7 15.20.2 "type comparison operation".
Java.IntegerLiteral |
Representation of an "integer literal" (JLS7 3.10.1) (types int and long ).
Java.InterfaceDeclaration |
Base for the various interface declaration kinds.
Java.Invocation |
Java.LabeledStatement |
Representation of a JLS7 14.7 "labeled statement".
Java.LambdaBody |
Representation of a "lambda body", see JLS9 15.27.2.
Java.LambdaExpression |
Representation of a (Java 8+) "lambda expression", see JLS9 15.27.
Java.LambdaParameters |
Base for the various "lambda parameters" styles, see JLS9 15.27.1.
Java.Literal |
Abstract base class for the various Java literals; see JLS7 3.10.
Java.LocalClassDeclaration |
Representation of a "local class declaration" i.e. a class declaration that appears inside a method body.
Java.LocalClassDeclarationStatement |
Representation of the JLS7 14.3 "local class declaration statement".
Java.LocalVariable |
Representation of a local variable while it is in scope during compilation.
Java.LocalVariableAccess |
Representation of a local variable access -- used during compilation.
Java.LocalVariableDeclarationStatement |
Representation of a JLS7 14.4 "local variable declaration statement".
Java.LocalVariableSlot |
All local variables have a slot number; local variables that get written into the "local variable table"
also have a start and end offset that defines the variable's extent in the bytecode.
Java.Locatable |
This interface is implemented by objects which are associated with a location in the source code.
Java.Located |
Java.Lvalue |
Representation of an "lvalue", i.e. an expression that has a type and a value, and can be assigned to: An
expression that can be the left-hand-side of an assignment.
Java.MarkerAnnotation |
Representation of a "marker annotation", i.e. an annotation without any elements in parentheses.
Java.MemberAnnotationTypeDeclaration |
Representation of a member annotation type declaration, a.k.a.
Java.MemberClassDeclaration |
Representation of a "member class declaration", i.e. a class declaration that appears inside another class or
interface declaration.
Java.MemberEnumDeclaration |
Representation of a "member enum declaration", i.e. an enum declaration that appears inside another class or
interface declaration.
Java.MemberInterfaceDeclaration |
Representation of a "member interface declaration", i.e. an interface declaration that appears inside another
class or interface declaration.
Java.MemberTypeDeclaration |
Represents a class or interface declaration where the immediately enclosing scope is another class or interface
Java.MethodDeclarator |
Representation of a method declarator.
Java.MethodInvocation |
Representation of a JLS7 15.12 "method invocation expression".
Java.MethodReference |
Representation of a "method reference expression", as described in JLS9 15.13, with the form "
<var>referenceType</var>::identifier .
Java.Modifier |
Base for the various modifiers (access modifiers, annotations).
Java.Modifiers |
Java.ModularCompilationUnit |
Represents a ModularCompilationUnit as specified in JLS11 7.3.
Java.ModuleDeclaration |
Representation of a "module declaration", as described in JLS9 7.7.
Java.ModuleDirective |
Representation of a (Java 9+) "module directive", as explained in JLS9 7.7.
Java.NamedClassDeclaration |
Base for the various named class declarations.
Java.NamedTypeDeclaration |
Represents the declaration of a class or an interface that has a name.
Java.NewAnonymousClassInstance |
Representation of a JLS7 15.9 "anonymous class instance creation expression".
Java.NewArray |
Representation of a JLS7 15.10 "array creation expression".
Java.NewClassInstance |
Representation of a JLS7 "class instance creation expression".
Java.NewInitializedArray |
Representation of a JLS7 15.10 "array creation expression".
Java.NormalAnnotation |
A "normal annotation", i.e. an annotation with multiple elements in parentheses and curly braces.
Java.NullLiteral |
Representation of a "null literal" (JLS7 3.10.7).
Java.OpensModuleDirective |
Representation of a (Java 9+) "opens directive", as explained in JLS9 7.7.2.
Java.Package |
Representation of a JLS7 "package name".
Java.PackageDeclaration |
Representation of a package declaration like package; .
Java.PackageMemberAnnotationTypeDeclaration |
Representation of a package member annotation type declaration, a.k.a.
Java.PackageMemberClassDeclaration |
Implementation of a "package member class declaration", a.k.a.
Java.PackageMemberEnumDeclaration |
Implementation of a "package member enum declaration", a.k.a.
Java.PackageMemberInterfaceDeclaration |
Representation of a "package member interface declaration", a.k.a.
Java.PackageMemberTypeDeclaration |
Represents a class or interface declaration on compilation unit level.
Java.ParameterAccess |
"Artificial" operation for accessing the parameters of the synthetic constructor of an anonymous class.
Java.ParenthesizedExpression |
Representation of a JLS7 15.8.5 "parenthesized expression".
Java.Primitive |
Java's primitive types.
Java.PrimitiveType |
Representation of a JLS7 4.2 "primitive type", i.e a primitive type "usage", which has a location.
Java.ProvidesModuleDirective |
Representation of a (Java 9+) "provides directive", as explained in JLS9 7.7.4.
Java.QualifiedThisReference |
Representation of an JLS7 15.8.4 access to the current object or an enclosing instance.
Java.ReferenceType |
Representation of a JLS7 4.3 reference type.
Java.RequiresModuleDirective |
Representation of a (Java 9+) "requires directive", as explained in JLS9 7.7.1.
Java.ReturnStatement |
Representation of the JLS7 14.17 RETURN statement.
Java.Rvalue |
Representation of an "rvalue", i.e. an expression that has a type and a value, but cannot be assigned to: An
expression that can be the right-hand-side of an assignment.
Java.RvalueMemberType |
Representation of the first part of a JLS7 15.9 "Qualified class instance creation expression": The " MyClass " part of " MyClass(...) " expression.
Java.Scope |
Representation of a Java "scope", e.g. a compilation unit, type, method or block.
Java.SimpleConstant |
This class is not used when code is parsed; it is intended for "programmatic" literals.
Java.SimpleType |
This class is not used when code is parsed; it is intended for "programmatic" types.
Java.SingleElementAnnotation |
Representation of a "single-element annotation", i.e. an annotation followed by a single element in parentheses.
Java.Statement |
Everything that can occur in the body of a method or in a block.
Java.StringLiteral |
Representation of a "string literal" (JLS7 3.10.5) (type String ).
Java.SuperclassFieldAccessExpression |
Representation of an JLS7 "superclass field access expression", e.g
Java.SuperclassMethodInvocation |
Representation of a JLS7 "superclass method invocation".
Java.SuperConstructorInvocation |
Representation of a JLS7
Java.SwitchStatement |
The JLS7 14.10 switch Statement.
Java.SwitchStatement.SwitchBlockStatementGroup |
Representation of a "switch block statement group" as defined in JLS7 14.11.
Java.SynchronizedStatement |
Representation of a JLS7 14.9 SYNCHRONIZED statement.
Java.TextBlock |
Representation of a "text block" (JLS17 3.10.6 Text Blocks) (type String ).
Java.ThisReference |
Representation of an JLS7 15.8.3 access to the innermost enclosing instance.
Java.ThrowStatement |
Representation of a JLS7 14.18 THROW statement.
Java.TryStatement |
Representation of a JLS7 14.20 TRY statement.
Java.TryStatement.LocalVariableDeclaratorResource |
Representation of a JLS9 14.20.2 "local-variable-declarator resource" in a TRY-with-resources statement.
Java.TryStatement.Resource |
Representation of a JLS9 14.20.2 "resource" in a TRY-with-resources statement.
Java.TryStatement.VariableAccessResource |
Representation of a JLS9 14.20.2 "variable-access resource" in a TRY-with-resources statement.
Java.Type |
Representation of a Java type.
Java.TypeArgument |
Representation of a JLS7 4.5.1 type argument.
Java.TypeBodyDeclaration |
Representation of a "ClassBodyDeclaration" or an "InterfaceMemberDeclaration".
Java.TypeDeclaration |
Base for the various kinds of type declarations, e.g. top-level class, member interface, local class.
Java.TypeParameter |
Representation of a type parameter (which declares a type variable).
Java.UnaryOperation |
Representation of a JLS7 15.15.3 "unary plus operator", a JLS7 15.15.4 "unary minus operator", a JLS7 15.15.5
"bitwise complement operator" or a JLS7 15.15.6 "logical complement operator".
Java.UsesModuleDirective |
Representation of a (Java 9+) "uses directive", as explained in JLS9 7.7.3.
Java.VariableDeclarator |
Used by FieldDeclaration and LocalVariableDeclarationStatement.
Java.WhileStatement |
Representation of the JLS7 14.2 WHILE statement.
Java.Wildcard |
Representation of a JLS7 4.5.1 "wildcard".
JavaFileManagers |
Utility methods related to JavaFileManager s.
JavaFileObjects |
Utility methods related to JavaFileObject s.
JavaFileObjects.ByteArrayJavaFileObject |
Byte array-based implementation of JavaFileObject .
JavaFileObjects.ResourceJavaFileObject |
Byte array-based implementation of JavaFileObject .
JavaSourceClassLoader |
A ClassLoader that loads classes by looking for their source files through a "source path" and compiling
them on-the-fly.
JavaSourceClassLoader |
A ClassLoader that, unlike usual ClassLoader s, does not load byte code, but reads Java source code
and then scans, parses, compiles and loads it into the virtual machine.
JavaSourceClassLoader.DiagnosticException |
Container for a Diagnostic object.
JavaSourceIClassLoader |
This IClassLoader finds, scans and parses compilation units.
LazyMultiResourceFinder |
LineAndColumnTracker |
Keeps track of "line numbers" and "column numbers" while a char stream is being processed.
ListableResourceFinder |
LocatableResource |
A Resource that can be addressed by a URL.
LocatedException |
An Exception that is associated with an optional Location in a source file.
Location |
Immutable representation of the location of a character in a document, as defined by an (optional) file name, a
line number and a column number.
MapResourceCreator |
Creates resources as byte arrays in a delegate Map .
MapResourceFinder |
A ResourceFinder that provides access to resource stored as
byte arrays in a Map .
MethodDescriptor |
Representation of a "method descriptor" (JVMS 4.3.3).
Methods |
Utility methods related to Method .
Mod |
This class defines constants and convenience methods for the handling of modifiers as defined by the JVM.
ModuleFinder |
Pre-Java-9-compatible facade for Java 9's java.lang.module.ModuleFinder class.
ModuleReader |
Pre-Java-9-compatible facade for Java 9's java.lang.module.ModuleReader class.
ModuleReference |
Pre-Java-9-compatible facade for Java 9's java.lang.module.ModuleReference interface.
MultiCookable |
MultiDimensionalIterator<T> |
An Iterator that iterates over a delegate, which produces arrays, Collection s,
Enumeration s or Iterator s.
MultiIterator<T> |
An Iterator that traverses a Collection of Iterator s, Collection s and/or arrays.
MultiResourceFinder |
NoException |
An exception that is never instantiated, and is useful for declaration of methods that throw a parameterized Throwable .
NotNull |
Designates that a field, return value, argument, or variable is guaranteed to be non-null.
NotNullByDefault |
By default, types in method signatures that lack a null annotation are regarded as nullable.
Nullable |
Designates that a field, return value, argument, or variable may be null .
Numbers |
Utility methods related to Number .
Optional<T> |
Pre-Java-9-compatible facade for Java 9's java.util.Optional class.
Parser |
A parser for the Java programming language.
Parser.ClassDeclarationContext |
The kinds of context where a class declaration can occur.
Parser.InterfaceDeclarationContext |
The kinds of context where an interface declaration can occur.
Parser.MethodDeclarationContext |
The kinds of context where a method declaration can occur.
PathResourceFinder |
A ResourceFinder that finds its resources along a "path"
consisting of JAR file names, ZIP file names, and directory names.
Predicate<T> |
Producer<T> |
ProducerIterator<T> |
An Iterator that iterates over all the objects produced by a delegate Producer .
Proxies |
Readers |
Utiltity methods related to Reader .
Resource |
ResourceCreator |
Opens a resource, characterized by a name, for writing.
ResourceFinder |
Finds a resource by name.
ResourceFinderClassLoader |
ResourceFinderIClassLoader |
ResourceFinders |
ReverseListIterator<T> |
A ListIterator that reverses the direction of all operations of a delegate ListIterator .
Sandbox |
Executes a PrivilegedAction or PrivilegedExceptionAction in a context with restricted permissions.
Scanner |
Splits up a character stream into tokens and returns them as String objects.
ScriptDemo |
ScriptEvaluator |
ScriptEvaluator |
ShippingCost |
SignatureParser |
Helper class for parsing signatures and descriptors.
SignatureParser.ArrayTypeSignature |
Representation of the "ArrayTypeSignature" clause.
SignatureParser.ClassSignature |
Representation of the "ClassSignature" clause.
SignatureParser.ClassTypeSignature |
Representation of the "ClassTypeSignature" clause, e.g
SignatureParser.FieldTypeSignature |
Representation of the "FieldTypeSignature" clause.
SignatureParser.FieldTypeSignatureVisitor<T,EX extends java.lang.Throwable> |
SignatureParser.FormalTypeParameter |
Representation of the "FormalTypeParameter" clause, e.g
SignatureParser.MethodTypeSignature |
Representation of the "MethodTypeSignature" clause.
SignatureParser.Options |
SignatureParser.PrimitiveTypeSignature |
Representation of the "PrimitiveTypeSignature" clause, i.e
SignatureParser.SignatureException |
Signalizes am malformed signature.
SignatureParser.SimpleClassTypeSignature |
Representation of the "SimpleClassTypeSignature" clause, e.g
SignatureParser.ThrowsSignature |
Representation of the "ThrowsSignature" clause.
SignatureParser.TypeArgument |
Representation of the "TypeArgument" clause.
SignatureParser.TypeSignature |
Representation of the "TypeSignature" clause.
SignatureParser.TypeVariableSignature |
Representation of the "TypeVariableSignature" clause, e.g
SimpleCompiler |
SimpleCompiler |
Stream<T> |
Pre-Java-8-compatible facade for Java 8's class.
StringCharStream |
Reads from a String .
StringPattern |
Implementation of a UNIX shell-like string pattern algorithm.
StringResource |
A resource who's content is a String .
StringUtil |
Utility methods related to String .
SystemProperties |
Token |
Immutable representation of a Java token.
TokenStream |
An interface that allows for peeking and consuming a stream of Token s.
TokenStreamImpl |
TokenType |
Enumeration of the types of Token s that the Scanner produces.
TransformingIterator<T1,T2> |
An Iterator that transforms its elements on-the-fly.
Traverser<EX extends java.lang.Throwable> |
Implementations of this interface promise to traverses the subnodes of an AST.
TraversingIterator |
An Iterator that iterates over a delegate, and while it encounters an array, a Collection , an Enumeration or a Iterator element, it iterates over it
UnexpectedCharacterException |
UnicodeUnescapeException |
Represents a problem that occurred while unescaping a unicode escape sequence through a UnicodeUnescapeReader .
UnicodeUnescapeReader |
A FilterReader that unescapes the "Unicode Escapes" as described in JLS7 3.10.6.
UnitCompiler |
This class actually implements the Java compiler.
UnitCompiler.ClassFileConsumer |
UnitCompiler.SimpleIField |
Short-hand implementation of IClass.IField that implements a non-constant, non-static,
package-accessible field.
UniterableElementException |
Unparser |
Unparses (un-compiles) an AST to a Writer .
Visitor |
The basis for the "visitor" pattern as described in "Gamma, Helm, Johnson, Vlissides: Design Patterns".
Visitor.AbstractCompilationUnitVisitor<R,EX extends java.lang.Throwable> |
Visitor.AnnotationVisitor<R,EX extends java.lang.Throwable> |
Visitor.ArrayInitializerOrRvalueVisitor<R,EX extends java.lang.Throwable> |
Visitor.AtomVisitor<R,EX extends java.lang.Throwable> |
Visitor.BlockStatementVisitor<R,EX extends java.lang.Throwable> |
Visitor.ConstructorInvocationVisitor<R,EX extends java.lang.Throwable> |
Visitor.ElementValueVisitor<R,EX extends java.lang.Throwable> |
Visitor.FieldDeclarationOrInitializerVisitor<R,EX extends java.lang.Throwable> |
Visitor.FunctionDeclaratorVisitor<R,EX extends java.lang.Throwable> |
Visitor.ImportVisitor<R,EX extends java.lang.Throwable> |
Visitor.LambdaBodyVisitor<R,EX extends java.lang.Throwable> |
Visitor.LambdaParametersVisitor<R,EX extends java.lang.Throwable> |
Visitor.LvalueVisitor<R,EX extends java.lang.Throwable> |
Visitor.ModifierVisitor<R,EX extends java.lang.Throwable> |
Visitor.ModuleDirectiveVisitor<R,EX extends java.lang.Throwable> |
Visitor.RvalueVisitor<R,EX extends java.lang.Throwable> |
Visitor.TryStatementResourceVisitor<R,EX extends java.lang.Throwable> |
Visitor.TypeArgumentVisitor<R,EX extends java.lang.Throwable> |
Visitor.TypeBodyDeclarationVisitor<R,EX extends java.lang.Throwable> |
The visitor for all kinds of Java.TypeBodyDeclaration s (declarations that may appear in the body of a
type declaration).
Visitor.TypeDeclarationVisitor<R,EX extends java.lang.Throwable> |
Visitor.TypeVisitor<R,EX extends java.lang.Throwable> |
WarningHandler |
Processes a warning issued by the compiler.
ZipFileResourceFinder |