Class IClass

    • Field Detail


        public static final java.lang.Object NOT_CONSTANT
        Special return value for IClass.IField.getConstantValue() indicating that the field does not have a constant value.
      • NULL

        public static final IClass NULL
        The IClass of the null literal.
      • VOID

        public static final IClass VOID
        The IClass object for the type VOID.
      • BYTE

        public static final IClass BYTE
        The IClass object for the primitive type BYTE.
      • CHAR

        public static final IClass CHAR
        The IClass object for the primitive type CHAR.
      • DOUBLE

        public static final IClass DOUBLE
        The IClass object for the primitive type DOUBLE.
      • FLOAT

        public static final IClass FLOAT
        The IClass object for the primitive type FLOAT.
      • INT

        public static final IClass INT
        The IClass object for the primitive type INT.
      • LONG

        public static final IClass LONG
        The IClass object for the primitive type LONG.
      • SHORT

        public static final IClass SHORT
        The IClass object for the primitive type SHORT.
      • BOOLEAN

        public static final IClass BOOLEAN
        The IClass object for the primitive type BOOLEAN.
    • Constructor Detail

      • IClass

        public IClass()
    • Method Detail

      • getDeclaredIConstructors

        public final IClass.IConstructor[] getDeclaredIConstructors()
        Returns all the constructors declared by the class represented by the type. If the class has a default constructor, it is included.

        Returns an array with zero elements for an interface, array, primitive type or void.

      • getDeclaredIMethods

        public final IClass.IMethod[] getDeclaredIMethods()
        Returns the methods of the class or interface (but not inherited methods). For covariant methods, only the method with the most derived return type is included.

        Returns an empty array for an array, primitive type or void.

      • getDeclaredIMethods2

        protected abstract IClass.IMethod[] getDeclaredIMethods2()
        The uncached version of getDeclaredIMethods() which must be implemented by derived classes.
      • getDeclaredIMethods

        public final IClass.IMethod[] getDeclaredIMethods​(java.lang.String methodName)
        Returns all methods with the given name declared in the class or interface (but not inherited methods).

        Returns an empty array if no methods with that name are declared.

        an array of IClass.IMethods that must not be modified
      • hasIMethod

        public final boolean hasIMethod​(java.lang.String methodName,
                                        IClass[] parameterTypes)
                                 throws CompileException
        Whether this IClass (or its superclass or the interfaces it implements) has an IClass.IMethod with the given name and parameter types
      • getDeclaredIFields

        public final IClass.IField[] getDeclaredIFields()
        Returns the IClass.IFields declared in this IClass (but not inherited fields).
        An empty array for an array, primitive type or void
      • clearIFieldCaches

        protected void clearIFieldCaches()
        Clears the cache of declared fields which this class maintains in order to minimize the invocations of getDeclaredIFields2().
      • getSyntheticIFields

        public IClass.IField[] getSyntheticIFields()
        The synthetic fields of an anonymous or local class, in the order in which they are passed to all constructors
      • getDeclaredIClasses

        public final IClass[] getDeclaredIClasses()
                                           throws CompileException
        Returns the classes and interfaces declared as members of the class (but not inherited classes and interfaces).

        Returns an empty array for an array, primitive type or void.

      • getOuterIClass

        public final IClass getOuterIClass()
                                    throws CompileException
        The following types have an "outer class":
        • Anonymous classes declared in a non-static method of a class
        • Local classes declared in a non-static method of a class
        • Non-static member classes
        The outer class of this type, or null
      • getAccess

        public abstract Access getAccess()
        The accessibility of this type
      • isFinal

        public abstract boolean isFinal()
        Whether subclassing is allowed (JVMS 4.1 access_flags)
        true if subclassing is prohibited
      • getInterfaces

        public final IClass[] getInterfaces()
                                     throws CompileException
        Returns the interfaces implemented by the class, respectively the superinterfaces of the interface, respectively { Cloneable, Serializable } for arrays.

        Returns an empty array for primitive types and void.

      • isAbstract

        public abstract boolean isAbstract()
        Whether the class may be instantiated (JVMS 4.1 access_flags).
        true if instantiation is prohibited
      • getDescriptor

        public final java.lang.String getDescriptor()
        Returns the field descriptor for the type as defined by JVMS 4.3.2. This method is fast.
      • getDescriptor2

        protected abstract java.lang.String getDescriptor2()
        The field descriptor for the type as defined by JVMS 4.3.2.
      • getDescriptors

        public static java.lang.String[] getDescriptors​(IClass[] iClasses)
        Convenience method that determines the field descriptors of an array of IClasses.
        See Also:
      • isEnum

        public abstract boolean isEnum()
        Whether this type represents an enum
      • isInterface

        public abstract boolean isInterface()
        Whether this type represents an interface
      • isArray

        public abstract boolean isArray()
        Whether this type represents an array
      • isPrimitive

        public abstract boolean isPrimitive()
        Whether this type represents a primitive type or void
      • isPrimitiveNumeric

        public abstract boolean isPrimitiveNumeric()
        Whether this type represents byte, short, int, long, char, float or double
      • getComponentType

        public final IClass getComponentType()
        The component type of the array, or null for classes, interfaces, primitive types and void
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class java.lang.Object
      • isAssignableFrom

        public boolean isAssignableFrom​(IClass that)
                                 throws CompileException
        Determines if this is assignable from that. This is true if this is identical with that (JLS7 5.1.1), or if that is widening-primitive-convertible to this (JLS7 5.1.2), or if that is widening-reference-convertible to this (JLS7 5.1.5).
      • isSubclassOf

        public boolean isSubclassOf​(IClass that)
                             throws CompileException
        Returns true if this class is an immediate or non-immediate subclass of that class.
      • implementsInterface

        public boolean implementsInterface​(IClass that)
                                    throws CompileException
        If this represents a class: Return true if this class directly or indirectly implements that interface.

        If this represents an interface: Return true if this interface directly or indirectly extends that interface.

      • invalidateMethodCaches

        public void invalidateMethodCaches()
        This class caches the declared methods in order to minimize the invocations of getDeclaredIMethods2().
      • rawTypeOf

        public static IClass rawTypeOf​(IType type)